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Hello Morocco

So I've figured it out.

Basically, any place is beautiful, so long as the sun is shining. So what we really like about a place isn't so much the place, as it is the light bouncing off of things. Buildings, trees, rocks, the sea.

It is the giver of both light and life. And that is what we are appreciating.

Just a thought.

I'm in Marrakech. Oh my goodness is it different. A place I could never visit solo, definitely. I'm so, SO grateful to have Sean here with me.

The people are aggressive, and so far, mostly condescending to women. The looks I've gotten make me feel subhuman. And you HAVE to bargain. Otherwise they'll take you for all you have.

The heart of Marrakesh, the "old city", within the wall, is called Medina. And it really is quite charming. It's like a bazaar. I think?

Little shops everywhere. Beautiful garments, delicious looking treats, perfume shops, ornate plates and pottery.

The heart breaking thing: mangy animals. Cats, mostly. Stray babies very obviously riddled with parasites or disease. The donkeys too don't look to happy. My secret pleasure: horses everywhere. But they probably aren't to healthy either.

We met up with Haley. She's the bravest chick I know. Roaming these streets the last few days completely alone. It's something I could never do. Like, maybe if I really wanted to. But I don't.

Tomorrow will be our first full day. I'll have better insights and opinions, I hope. Hopefully some better pictures too.

Our hostel is beautiful though. Very arabian, detailed and ornate. Like every fixture was a thought. Every colour a spice I've never tasted. Every tile placed with intention. It's really beautiful. And juxtaposed by the chaos just outside the doors.

I could see myself liking this place, somehow, so long as it's not threatening me.

That's it for tonight.

All my love,


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