Leaving Lisbon
I've left Lisbon for now. It was not a hard goodbye, though I had a slight regret I didn't see more.
That's the thing with travelling though, you're never going to see everything.
I had originally planned to go north from Lisbon, but I'm currently on a south bound bus to Lagos. I've only heard great things.
I met a lovely traveller named Haley very organically, we chatted for hours about travel, and life in general. She invited me to tag along with her, I couldn't see why I wouldn't.
The bus ride is really beautiful. I wish capturing it on video did it justice. But it's like taking a picture of the moon, it just doesn't quite cut it.

It is perfectly picturesque. The definition of rolling hills. Blue skies with puffy clouds. The landscape changes ever so slightly every kilometre or so. Keeps you guessing, and craving to witness its faces. If I could stay here and ride a horse around I don't think I'd ever leave.
Secretly, except now it won't be a secret if I write it out, that's kind of what I want. Is to meet someone with land and horses, and maybe some goats in the most beautiful landscape, and just stay. Get a dog together, maybe a barn cat or two. But I don't want that until I see more of world first.
Horses have to be a part of it though. If there's no horses, I won't truly find my peace.
I've lived in the city so long now, that it's like I'm astounded by just the sight of fields of grass. I'm a sucker for a beautiful scenery. But then again, who isn't? I think it's a part of being human. We are attracted and connected to nature despite how much we surround ourselves with concrete, metal and glass.
It's like fire, or a starry night, or the ocean when the moon is out. I could just sit and watch for hours.
The only thing that would make this bus ride any better was if I had some olives, wine, and maybe some pita and hummus. Mmm. I know what I'm having for dinner.

One thing I really gotta start thinking about is my freelance writing. I gotta do it. And not when I'm in desperate need of it. I gotta get the ball rolling now. It's just pushing myself to apply that's been hard. I feel self-conscious, like I'm just some amateur playing writer. Just like I feel when I paint, or I surf, or cook. I know practice makes, well, not perfect, but improvement. And by writing this blog I AM practicing writing daily. So hopefully I'm on my way to a brilliant writing career.
Just gotta put the pen to the paper, or more realistically, my fingers to the keyboard. At that point there's no obstacle except my own mind. Oh, and a Wi-Fi connection, of course.
I just want to take a moment to say thank you. If you're reading this, seriously, thank you. I appreciate you. I probably miss you.
That's all for now,
All my love,