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Go Go Gadget Healer

Today was my last day of work.


I mean, obviously I plan to work as I travel. But as far as massaging people in small subterranean clinic rooms in Toronto, that era is OVER.

I can't tell you how relieved I am. Not that I dislike my job. My job is wonderful. But I was working so much I felt like I was starting to lose it a bit. I was hardly giving it my best, I was just trying to keep it together.

Massage therapy was never my end goal. So I'm excited to be able to take a step up and see what's next.

My true goal is Holistic Healing. Essentially, having a variety of healing methods. A tool belt of solutions to any one problem. I think it's possible. So I'm going for it.

I've already got 4.

- Massage therapy

- Reiki energy healing

- Reflexology

- DDS Method: Bio-electricity Massage

If you haven't heard of this last one, there's a reason. It's not in North America. At least not publicly. There's a DDS underground that I've been sworn into. Have been for a year now. It's basically me, and a group of middle age Asian women. But it's an underground none the less. Quite literally, too, because they mostly practice out of their basements.

If you're still reading this, you're probably thinking: but what is it?

Well, DDS Method is essentially a marriage of 3 things: massage, acupuncture, and TENS machine. It is a safe electric current conducted by the therapist through the body of the client. It works with Eastern medicine principles, the Meridian system, but also speaks directly to the nervous system, and activates the natural healing mechanisms of the body. It revitalizes cells, and promotes health.

The first time I tried it, I knew within a few minutes I wanted to learn it and spread it to the masses. Not just practice it, but preach it. Teach it to anyone interested in having the power to heal.

There's a lot of steps to get there. And this trip is one of them. I want to study TCM (traditional chinese medicine), and I want to do it IN China. Only, I feel moving from home to Beijing would be a major culture shock. So instead, I'm backpacking Europe first to get a hang of being on my own, in countries that don't speak my language. I thought it was a solid plan.

It kind of feels like a mission.

And like it or not, I'm on it.

Once I learn TCM, acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Tui Na, I will have THAT many more tools in my belt.

I'll be like a healing Ninja. A medicinal Inspector Gadget.

And once I master that, I want to pass it along to anyone willing to take a hold and grab it.

That's the plan, at least.

That's all for now.

All my love,


Here's an obnoxious list of relevant memes

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