World Cure
can you picture it?
a team of people.
an unstoppable force
a MOVEMENT of enlightened
spreading healing and health care
our crew an organic flock of knowledge
The world is a swirling flow of movement
People are the blood, the light in the shadow
We are moving almost constantly, shifting
with the tides, day and night, we glide
I sat in the shower and wondered
why we consume our mother
then it hit me
the earth is not our mother
the moon is our mother
the sun, our father
earth is the baby
paradigm shift
Just then a rooting energy
reached up and grabbed me
it planted itself in my womb,
and instantly I was connected
I sat there suspended
in the ether with no weight
in a fetal position that felt effortless
I felt like a seed under the rain shower
and then, my brain bloomed like a flower
a flower that could one day become a tree
we took away the trees to build houses
then planted new ones in their place
if only we had the better sense
to preserve what we can't replace
instead of chewing up history
but we the walking trees
pillars of love and healing
we spread our seeds across the land
messages of health and wellbeing
reversing the brainwashing of the masses
teaching them their connection to earth
attuning them to their energy bodies
attuning me to my auric field
a blast of light
like rainbows
in every direction it shines