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Toxoplasma Gondii: You're Probably Infected

I learned something today. You know the age old debate of cat vs dog person?

Well, turns out, if you're a cat person. You're not necessarily a cat person.

You're actually an infected person. A possessed person. Not by a demon, but by a parasite.

The cat species, from house cats to leopards have a way of basically hypnotizing their prey. It's a microorganism called "Toxoplasma Gondii", and in the infected, it biologically convinces them to be attracted to their predator.

I don't mean sexually attracted of course, but basically, less fearful, and more willing to approach the predator despite knowing they might be eaten.

Your cat may not be trying to eat you. It might not even intentionally be trying to manipulate you, but it does. And if you have a cat, you know it's true. They're hard to say no to.

When they sit in your lap, you're less inclined to get up and do what you have to. You don't even want to move, because god forbid you disturb their comfort.

Tell me it's not true, I dare you.

Honestly, when I first heard it I didn't even question the validity of it. It made perfect sense. Why cat people are the way they are. Why I dated a guy for months, only to realize I didn't actually like him when we moved to Boston without his cat.

Why I skipped classes when my roommates cat came to hang out in my room. Why I slept outside one night in Tenerife, because the cat was on me and I couldn't take her in.

I once heard that scientists were trying to breed cats with racoons. To create cats with opposable thumbs. That's all they need really, to rule the world. And I bet you the parasite was working on those scientists too.

So next time you're with a cat, and you're feeling their hypnotic pull, remember: you're not a cat person. You're just infected.

That's all for meow,


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