Quality V Quantity
It's starting to get to me. Coming up with a post for every night. It's not an easy task.
I think I'm going to put less pressure on myself to write something daily, and maybe spend a bit more time thinking and working on what I want to put out there.
It very well remain daily. But I think telling myself I give myself permission to rest is half the battle.
I started this blog to establish a writing voice. I want to freelance write while I am abroad to maintain myself and travel. I'm sure once I am travelling I will have a lot more time to write. But for now, that I work 10-7, it's wearing away at my sanity.
I find I'm purging. People, things, energy. I'm getting rid of as much as I can to make space for what's to come.
I'm sad to see some things go. People too. I've never liked goodbyes.
In my life I've let go of things I never thought possible. Broke myself free from situations I thought I'd never leave. People, jobs, school. I could write a book about leaving things important to me. Maybe I should.
It feels healthy, despite how overwhelming it can be. Part of me thinks I should get rid of social media too. Wouldn't that be nice. Just a clean cut away. A fresh get away.
I'll consider it.
That's all I've got for tonight.
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