The "Good Life" Jive
Why is it that the healthy way to live is also the most difficult?
Having good posture. Staying hydrated. Eating well. Looking presentable. Waking up early. Living a healthy life in general.
Why does it take so much effort to live the "right" life.
If I did everything right, I'd have to sleep 3 hours a night. Just so I had time to wake up with the sun, brush AND floss, bathe, meditate for an hour, drink enough water, make and eat 3 nutritious meals, with some nutritious snacks in between, exercise, stretch, water the plants, keep my room clean, call my Mom, clean the house, do laundry, wash my face, pay my bills, check the mail.. oh, and work a full day. Never mind having dogs or a kid. I can't even imagine.
Obviously distractors cut in. Social media is no help. Don't even get me started on TV. Then there's the off chance you actually have a hobby, or like to read.
How did our lives become so full? Why is adult life SO busy. I feel like an animal chasing its short tail.
A hamster being out spun by its wheel.
Then god forbid something trips you up. You get injured, get sick, get triggered and end up in therapy for months. Gotta see your Doctor for your check up, your Dentist for your cleaning. Heck, I've stopped cutting and styling my hair so it's one less thing to think about. And forget full make up. There's barely time to put lotion on.
Hopefully you're in a relationship, cuz there's no time for dating. Hope you got understanding friends, cuz you've gotta carve out time for socializing. Better make use of the time walking home to make that phone call. Better mentally compose that blog post in the shower, so you can get to bed at a decent time.
The way you gotta do it is prioritize and simplify. Get multiple birds stoned at once, as often as you can. Use your time wisely, productively, creatively. Update your phone or laptop while you're sleeping.
Or just go bat-shit crazy. Give up and live in squalor. Let the dishes pile, the laundry too. Become friends with the dust bunnies, order in food, or live on microwave meals.
Don't charge your phone. Sleep until noon, smoke in the house, wear the same pants since Monday, and the same socks too.
It's so easy to go from the first to the latter. But not the other way around. When you've hit the bottom, it's hard to get back off the ground. And thats IF you're in good mental health.
Life is this blind rat race we all run to somewhere, but also nowhere. We can do it all right, and still find no peace. We can do it all wrong, and still be happy.
So next time you're stressing over what needs to get done, remember: it's just more of the same. All hurry up and wait. It's really not: outdo or be outdone. There's no competition. Just make yourself number one, and the rest will come.
Maybe that's oversimplifying. Honestly, I'm just tired. So I'm leaving this be.
That's it for tonight.
All my love,