Second thoughts about food

Lately I've been thinking a lot about food. What I eat. How I eat. When to eat, how much. It can be a very overwhelming topic to consider. These days EVERYTHING related to what we consume seems threatening. GMOs, gluten, food dyes, carcinogens, flouride, trans and saturated fats, high levels of sodium, sugar, aspartame, you name it, it's all out to get you.
If I were a small group of powerful elite wanting to control the world, that's how I'd do it. Through food. Create a society in which the population at large is dependent on food and water sources beyond their control. Make it super convenient for them, too, so there's no reason to complain. Then just pump the food with chemicals and additives to keep them sick and stupid.
But it's more than that, there's problems with the kind of foods we're consuming in excess. The North American diet is highly acidic. Full of meats, dairy, and sugars. Which is basically a cheeseburger, the number one fast-food item of all time. Also.. I hate myself for calling this out, but: pizza. Both these fast-foods are prime examples of acidic foods. Maybe I don't need to state this for obvious reasons, but I'm going to. What we eat becomes our body. And the body made up of acidic food is an unhealthy body, prone to illness and disease.
Today I watched a video about fake health food. Apparently, tomatoes, beans, grains, and cashews are all foods to avoid. My mind was blown. According to this doctor man, these foods are high in what is called "Lectin(s)". The research says that Lectins are a way that plants have evolved to protect themselves from their consumers. Lectins are most abundant in seeds, which is why certain seeds can survive the human digestive tract and still bring their purpose to fruition… literally.
Consumption of said Lectins can create an immune response, and are responsible for a large percentage of all food poisoning cases, most often the culprit is beans. Lectin's create flatulence. It's the REASON beans make you fart. And it's also the reason we don't consume beans or grains raw: because they can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Not only do they resist the incredible power of the GI tract, but they also damage it in the process, breaking down the lining of your intestines. If you suffer from bloating or IBS, it's very likely because of lectins. Ever heard of leaky gut? I hadn't before today, but ALSO, Lectins.
I had been attempting a "flexitarian" diet for some time now. Only cooking and buying vegetarian, but eating meat/fish when it is cooked for me by someone else. I appreciate the merit of a vegetarian/vegan diet, but now with this information, the diet seems next to impossible. No grains? No legumes or beans? No nightshades (tomato, eggplant, potato, peppers)? WTF CAN I EAT THEN?

I once read a book called "Creating a Healthy Living" that was written by a dermatologist and aging specialist. He talked about the importance of hydration. How every cell in the body needs hydration, and that without it, the cells begin to break down and become dysfunctional. Seems simple enough. But whats more, is that it's not enough to just chug a bunch of water all the time. What you need to do for proper hydration is consume fruits and vegetables that have a high water content. That way you get the hydration, but also the minerals, nutrients and prana (life force energy) of the plants.
Okay great, that's something to work with. Sounded promising, until… I found out too much fruit can be a bad thing because: fruits contain lots of sugars, and sugars are carbs, and carbs are bad. Aghhhhhhh!!
Not all hope is lost though. On the safe list are: dark leafy greens, walnuts, avocado, cruciferous veggies, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. SO, if you can just figure out a life time of meal planning varieties on these Lectin-low foods, you should be healthy and live into a ripe old age unless one of a million other things, like a shark attack or global warming or lightning, get you first.
If you still give a shit, what I'm going to suggest is this:
1. Look up the lists of alkaline foods.
2. Pick five of those foods, and incorporate them into your diet.
3. Look up the lists of acidic foods.
4. Pick 2 of those food, and remove them from your diet.
5. Religiously consume alfalfa and chaga tea (separately).
6. Repeat every 1-3 months until you're completely healthy, or have gone completely insane.
That's it from me.
All my love, G