An engaging title
So, for those who don't know me. My name is Giada. "Jah-dah", like, Jabadahut of Star Wars, only with a D and no "dahut". It means Jade it Italian. Yes I'm Italian… mostly. I'm also French Canadian, Algonquin Metis, a part I wish I knew more about and felt closer to. My middle names, "Bianca Luna", Italian for "White Moon" were given to me because I was born on a full moon. I really love my name, incase you couldn't tell, and I feel who I am as a persona has a chicken and egg relationship to my title. It's like who I am impregnates the name with a cryptic soul. My name is my intrinsic essence.
Word's have a lot of weight. Especially names. Which is why you should really consider the pet names you give to a person. I always love the example of my brother, who my Dad has affectionately called "Big Man" all his life. Neither of my parents are particularly tall, I'm vertically challenged myself, yet here's this kid who managed to be 6 feet tall and is still growing. Maybe it's silly, but I really believe his stature was manifested more by his nickname than his genetic makeup.
My Mom calls him "Handsome", probably not the best nickname to keep a guy humble. And I don't know if I can speak to it, but I will say he ain't a bad looking chap.
My nicknames growing up were "Angel" and "Amore" or "Tesoro" (Love/Treasure in Italian). I can't really speak objectively on this, but I know it's not a far stretch. Among my priorities in life, some of the top are healing people with divine energy (Reiki) and spreading positive loving energy in any environment I occupy. I consider myself a Doer of Good, dare I say it despite your internal eye roll; an "agent of God". A friend to the unpopular, a concerned for the hurt, and always a helping hand. WIthin my room, the immediate extension of myself, is a collection of trinkets, crystals, feathers, art, books, and all kinds of beautiful things. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint, but in a way, I feel like I too have lived up to my given names.
Names hold so much power we don't often consider. They identify, organize, characterize, and even sometimes condemn us. They can honour a memory, immortalize the dead, or conversely, they can make someone completely anonymous.
So, I guess, I challenge you. To use your names and words wisely. Give them meaning, entrench them with soul. If you don't like your name, change it, or take it a step further, and make yourself a symbol. No one can take it from you, it costs no money, and all it takes from you is the time and imagination to conjure it. You can be who ever you want to be. Find your essence, create your title, fuel your soul.
All my love, G